
5 ways to make your Windows computer lightning fast

Nobody enjoys using a slow computer. You want your computer to be fast and responsive, whether it's brand spanking new or four years old. Follow our tips to keep you zooming along the information superhighway, regardless of your PC's age!

1. Run the essentials
The most basic thing you can do to speed up your computer is also one of the fastest changes you can make — close unneeded applications! If you're working in Excel, the odds that you'll need Word open at the same time are slim. Limit open software to what you are using at the time. This also cuts down on distractions and helps you get your work done more quickly.

If you have a stubborn application that won't close, treat it as a frozen application and kill it via Task Manager by hitting Ctrl+Alt+Del and selecting Start Task Manager.

Your computer automatically starts some programs when you turn it on. Some of these are necessary parts of the Windows operating system, but you may be able to disable some applications. Open the program in question and go into Properties or Options. Usually, auto-start options are found under General or Launch settings and will be labelled "Launch when Windows starts." Uncheck the check box and save the setting change to keep the application from coming back up the next time you reboot.

If you don't find an option like that, there's one more place to look for applications that auto-start. Be forewarned, this option is for advanced users — disabling essential startup items can have catastrophic results. Don't kill the auto-start settings for anything you don't recognize!

