ArenaNet is excited to announce the confirmed language list for the localization of Guild Wars 2. As you may already know, the game will include full localization of both voice and text into German and French. d3 gold Today, we’re happy to announce that we will also feature Spanish text localization for Guild Wars 2 at launch.
Game text will be translated into Spanish for our large diablo 3 gold and diverse player community in Spanish-speaking countries. Partly due to the diversity of spoken Spanish in different regions of the world, voiced content will remain in English buy d3 gold but be accompanied by Spanish subtitles.
Adding Spanish text localization to our launch plans for Guild Wars 2 is a big deal to us here at ArenaNet. Like our players, the ArenaNet localization gw2 gold team cares passionately about the quality of Guild Wars 2 content, and we are striving to provide a polished game experience in all the languages we support. To this end, we work closely with our design guild wars 2 gold and development teams to ensure that the localized versions stand on their own and meet the high expectations fans have for the game.
¡Estamos entusiasmados de ofrecer la versión en español de Guild Wars 2 para nuestra buy wow gold comunidad global hispanohablante! Lo más importante para nosotros son ustedes, los jugadores. ¡Estamos creando un juego especialmente para ti!
ArenaNet is seeking a Spanish localization editor and a Spanish community manager
As we plan to offer game text in Spanish, ArenaNet is now actively recruiting for a qualified Spanish QA and localization editor located at our offices in Bellevue, WA, as well as a community manager based in Brighton, England. Qualified candidates should apply here.